Daily Fitbit Reset: Every Day is a New Day

Several months ago Lesa and I bought Fitbits. For those of you who are not familiar, this is a device you wear on your wrist that monitors your steps and activity during the day. It also has a mode that will monitor the quality of your sleep.

My daily routine can have long periods of sitting at my desk and behind the wheel of my car with intermittent activity. The Fitbit is a constant reminder that helps me stay on track and get the proper amount of exercise every day. It has five lights that will light up progressively during the day until I reach my steps and activity goal. When I hit my goal, it lights up and buzzes.

It is connected to an app on my phone that will also allow me to set alarms for waking up and goals during the day.

It has one feature that has turned out to be an unexpected benefit.

Every morning it resets and starts over. I go back to zero and the slate is clean. Yesterday is forgotten and today is a brand new day.

That is the same opportunity we all have when we begin our day. We can reset and start fresh. We have a clean canvas to create what we want.

We can fondly recall the successes of yesterday and leave the less than exciting moments as a learning experience to make today a better day.

“This new day has greeted us with no rules; unconditional opportunity. Do not dilute the power of this new day with the hardship of yesterday. Greet this day the way it has greeted you; with open arms and endless possibility.” ~ Steve Maraboli

Isn’t that refreshing. Today is a new day! Set new goals with a new attitude and let’s make it a great day!
