What is Your WORD for 2014?

Are you tired of your inbox being filled with discussions of the best way to set goals and avoid failed resolutions? I can see your eyes rolling right now!

I am a firm believer in goals and I am confident history backs me up on this. It is near impossible to achieve great things without setting goals. I set goals in several areas of my life and I believe you should too.

With that being said, what is your word for 2014?

There have been several discussions in media about having a word as a theme for the New Year and, yes, I rolled my eyes. Then I thought about it for a moment. I realized that my most productive and satisfying years were when I became laser focused in one specific area of my life.

In 2011, I focused on my health and lost fifty pounds. In 2012, my word was generous and I found more opportunities to be kind to people.

I realized at the end of a very busy 2013 that in spite of achieving many of my goals, I left a lot of things undone. It was glaringly clear that my word for 2014 would be Finish. There, I said it. This year will be focused on finishing what I start and fueling my speed of execution.

There are several websites and apps available to help you with your goal setting. I have had personal success with Rootein.com. This site sends me daily email reminders at a time of my choosing.

For example: when I wanted to get healthy I had Rootein ask me, “Did you break a sweat today?” When I wanted to be more generous, it asked the question, “Have you been generous to someone today?” It is very powerful to see that question show up in the subject line of your email.

This year Rootein will ask me, “Did you finish strong today?”

What area of your life do you want to see drastic improvement in 2014?

What will be your word?

Have a great week!
