Get in Touch With Their Feelings
I have heard it said that people buy with emotion and justify their purchase with logic. You may resist this statement and claim you are a rational, cognitive person that makes calm, well thought-out decisions. However, studies show that twenty percent of the buying decision is logical and eighty percent is emotional.
This information is vital to your business as well as your sales process. Regardless if your offering provides a want or a need, you cannot ignore the emotional response. People make purchases everyday, however, they tell others about a great experience.
“I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~ Maya Angelou
I am not recommending you be manipulative. Manipulation is a poor tactic that will not result in a long-term customer relationship. Your product or service must have value and meet or exceed the customer’s expectations.
Emotions create movement and action. In order for someone to act, they must be persuaded. My good friend and business coach, Chuck Bowen, says you should take them to Disneyland.
Your sales process should include practical, logical solutions to what they need. It should also include the emotion that will be a result of buying your product or service.
There are several schools of thought in the emotions that cause people to buy. I have summarized this list to three basic emotions:
1. Pain – Help your prospects imagine how your offering will eliminate the pain in their life or business and retain feelings of pleasure.
2. Gain – Show prospects how your offering will improve their life or business.
3. Fear – A perceived loss of personal security or safety can be strong emotional triggers to move a prospect to buy. Use caution when your prospect is driven by fear. Developing trust and rapport is essential when selling in this environment.
When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudice and motivated by pride and vanity. ~ Dale Carnegie
Have a great week!