Bad Mood Prevention

Last week I allowed myself to get in a bad mood. Yes, I admit it. Furthermore, it was my fault. I can and should control my attitude but I let it go too far.

Mood and attitude are synonymous and under my control. I know what you are thinking. Pierce, you do not understand my circumstances and whom I am dealing with. I did not say it was easy but anyone can do it.

I made several key mistakes that led to me walking around like an ill-tempered bear last week. The following are few things I do to prevent a ‘Bad Mood”.

  1. Remember trouble will come. None of us are exempt from things going wrong. The more we understand this, the less surprised and more prepared we will be.
  2. Quiet time. Sometimes I wake up with a long list of things I need to accomplish and want to get started as soon as possible. For me this is a mistake. I need to start my day with a quiet time of reading, praying and thanksgiving. Counting my blessings sets the proper tone for my day.
  3. Get plenty of rest. I am not one of those people who can run on four or five hours sleep. I require seven to eight hours of sleep to function and maintain a proper attitude.
  4. Exercise. Missing this one is a mistake. Not only is regular exercise good for my health but is gives me energy and significantly improves my mental attitude.
  5. Read and listen to positive material.  Books and podcasts inspire me with new ideas and affect my mood in a positive way. I need to do this on a daily basis.
  6. Clarify and prioritize. It is important for me to list and prioritize tasks that need to be accomplished. I love checking things off as I complete them.

Last week I broke every one of these rules in some form or fashion. Here’s the good news. I can start over today. I did and you can too!

“The last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.” ~ Victor E. Frankl – Author of “Man’s Search for Meaning” chronicling his experiences as a concentration camp inmate.

Have a great week!
