I Can Only See As Far As My Headlights Shine

On my refrigerator, I have a quote from Dan Miller that states, “Success is never an accident. It typically starts as imagination, becomes a dream, stimulates a goal, grows into a plan of action, which inevitably meets with opportunity.”

What should one do if they have lost their imagination and struggle with identifying their passion?

Just a few short years ago, Brenda Dunagan struggled with this issue. She set-out to seek change in her life with a wide range of experience including project management, accounting, HR, legal, administration, and technical support. In spite of this vast experience, she struggled with direction. 

What did she do? She got started. Brenda did not wait for the vision to be perfect. She started moving toward her dream. That decision took her down  a road she never expected. Currently she serves as founder of an online school for training of virtual assistants while assisting in the operation and support of select companies.

When I asked Brenda how she was able to navigate this journey to arrive at a place where she is happy and fulfilled, she answered, “It is like driving at night, I could only see as far as my headlights shine. When I got there, I could see a little further.”

Sometimes we try to figure everything out before we get started. The problem is, we never get started. I still like the old saying, “God can’t drive a parked car.”

Start dreaming and get moving. You will be surprised what doors God will open.

“The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision. ~ Helen Keller

Have a great week!
