E + R = O

Sometimes life can be hard. The people that succeed in life face adversity just like everyone else. Frankly, most of the truly successful people I know have overcome huge obstacles. This ability to overcome and persist has contributed to their confidence and ability to conquer future adversity.

“Adversity has the effect of drawing out strength and qualities of a man that would have lain dormant in its absence.” ~ Herodotus, Greek philosopher

Last week, I sat in at the “Write To The Bank” seminar at Dan Miller’s Sanctuary where participants learn to market their writing. A highlight of the event was hearing my friend Kent Julian speak. Kent is a former youth Pastor who has become a popular speaker and author of several books.

Kent is an energetic speaker and captivated the audience in short order as he spoke of challenges as a youth and his daughter’s diabetes. He also mentioned a formula that he believes many people use to get through life; E = O (Events = Outcome).

Do you know someone who lives by this philosophy? These people merely take what life gives and believes that is their fate. It is easy to get caught up in the self pity, unfairness of life, or ‘why me?’ trap.

The successful people I mentioned earlier do not allow this to happen. They use a new formula; E + R = O (Events + Response = Outcome). It is your response to adversity that truly makes the difference. In addition, the growth and perspective brought on by adversity can lead to a higher level of success that you would not have been prepared for otherwise.

“In every adversity lies the seed of an equal or greater opportunity.” ~ Napoleon Hill

I am not saying you should pray for obstacles in your life. They will most likely arrive without an invitation. My message today is that you can choose your response and prevail.

Have a great week!


P.S. Click here to learn more about Kent Julian’s Speaking Boot Camp.

P.S.S. Click here to learn more about Dan Miller’s Sanctuary Events such as “Write to the Bank” and “Coaching with Excellence”