
At the Marrs’ house, we enjoy Christmas and each year it is a reminder to give because we have received so much. It is also a reminder of the kindness and generosity given to us when we did not feel we had much to give.

I like this definition of giving: To present voluntarily and without expecting compensation.

You may ask what this has to do with business and selling? Truly successful people are generous and giving and they understand the power of this principle. I have been selfish in my life, however, there is nothing like the gratification giving provides.

In Thou Shall Prosper by Rabbi Daniel Lapin, he states, “You must provide for yourself first, so that you can help others later.” He goes on to describe the Havdalah service that asks God to bless their families and wealth. They recite this service over a cup of wine that runs over into the saucer beneath.

This overflowing cup symbolizes the intention to produce during the week ahead not only sufficient to fill one’s own cup, but also an excess that will overflow for the benefit of others. In other words, bless me so I can have sufficient to give away to others.

I was given this poem in a Christmas Card from some dear friends and felt it was poignant. I hope you enjoy it.


What can be gained is not the test
of whether this plan or another is best.
But, “What can I give?” is the answer to ask-
“How can I serve?”, “Allow me the task!”
Let me not falter, but actively seek
the wandering one whose conscience is weak.
And give of my bounty as generously
as the Savior has lavished attention on me.
When the heart overflows with the joy of living
the inexhaustible stores of the Lord are for giving.

Poem by
Polly Anne Fairchild
Mother of Joanne Fairchild Miller

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” ~ John: 3:16

Have a blessed Christmas season,
