"One Thousand Paces And Not One Step More!"
Most people I know are in a hurry. Especially many of the drivers I encounter on the roadways. Unfortunately, our busy schedules force us to always look toward the next task or appointment and leaves little margin for going the extra mile.
When you go the extra mile, you put in more effort than is normally required in order to ensure success.
Jesus said in Matthew 5:41, “If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.” In the context of this time in history, one thousand paces was considered to be one mile. This meant that a Roman soldier who was traveling could compel any Jew to pick up his baggage and carry it for him for one mile or one thousand paces. The Jews were very resentful. They would count to one thousand, and they would never carry it one pace over one thousand paces. They would never go one step beyond what they were compelled.
In this scenario, Jesus was concerned about the poor attitude of the Jews. By going the extra mile beyond what was demanded showed an uncommon attitude toward the Romans and set them apart from the crowd.
You may work with a boss or customer that is demanding more than you want to give. Maybe you have been doing the minimum required to get the work done. Taking the time to go the extra mile will give you a proper perspective and represent a great attitude to those you come in contact. It will also help you develop a stellar reputation of great customer service.
Going the extra mile is simply doing more than you are asked or expected to do. It will also make you stand out from your competition. Are you doing the minimum required or going the extra mile?
Have a great week!