Honest and Sincere Appreciation

I was recently asked if our current generation of young people are learning good communication skills. I told her honestly that unless parents teach it at home or they seek these skills on their own, they may not learn how to deal with people.

I believe it is beneficial for everyone to learn how to communicate properly and know how to treat people. Before we start debating how poor the service has become in the world today, we should also consider the lack of appreciation from the patrons that frequent these businesses. I do not believe this should be an excuse for the business to be rude, but how difficult is it to say thank you with a smile to the people that serve us?

How to Win Friends and Influence People listed giving honest and sincere appreciation as a fundamental technique in handling people. You will be surprised how well people respond to your needs if you approach them with a good attitude and a simple, sincere thank you.

Last week a nice lady served me and went beyond the call with a good attitude and made my experience memorable. I thanked her for being so helpful. As I walked away I heard her tell the person working with her, β€œThat was really good to hear.”

Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking with Scott Stearman who creates beautiful bronze sculptors. He is working on a bust of Mr. Cathy, the owner of Chik-fil-a and told me of his experience when he visited the headquarters in Atlanta. Scott was surprised to see the unique collection of cars, art and antique carriages in the building. What surprised him most was the culture and work environment of the employees. He asked Mr. Cathy if he could explain how he had become so successful. Mr. Cathy replied, β€œI just treat people the way the want to be treated.”

Do to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6:31

Have a great week!
