Walk Away Power

I have heard this phrase used in business and sales to describe a relationship with an undesirable client who may not be worth the continued investment of your time. I believe it can benefit you in many other areas of your life.

In selling, are you willing to walk away when your product or service does not fit your prospect’s needs.

Walk away when a negotiation does not meet your criteria.

Walk away from a job opportunity when you know it is not a proper fit.

Walk away from the refrigerator when you know you it goes against your health goals and you will feel worse when you eat it.

Walk away from gossip or a dirty joke at work because it goes against your moral beliefs.

I mentioned this phrase on two different occasions this week and both left a lasting impression. While being interviewed by Kevin Miller of Free Agent Academy, we discussed the proper attitude an entrepreneur should have while approaching a new prospect. I advised them that their motive should include determining if the prospect was a good fit for their product or service.

The other scenario included a different set of circumstances involving a person’s relationship to his career. Are you a slave to your job because you do not believe you have options? Does your financial situation make you feel you have to stay where you are and be thankful you have a job or should you minimize debt, put aside an emergency fund and do work on your own terms?

Walk away power is not avoiding responsibility. We all have obligations and responsibilities and I firmly believe in taking care of your family. It is planning, preparing and positioning yourself for the greatest chance of success.

When you lose your walk away power, you lose your objectivity. Part of having walk away power means having confidence. Confidence means freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities.

Walk away power does not always mean you walk away. It just means you have a choice.

Have a great week!

P.S. Share with us YOUR Walk Away Story.