I Am Here to Solve Your Problem
I believe successful selling is a purposeful, intentional process. I also believe you have to consider your prospect and their unique perspective into your presentation.
I recently had a conversation with a friend who has been selling for most of his life. While we were sharing ideas about selling he mentioned a guy who works for a very large manufacturing company. His wife quit her job to assist him in the details of quoting and order process while he would wake early and spend all day in the field doing what he did best…serving his customers.
The unique thing about this guy is that he would wear a blue collar service tech uniform and walk into each customer and state, “I am here to solve your problem”. This approach and attitude launched him to the #1 spot in sales almost every year. He also earned several hundred thousand dollars per year for his effort.
Let me be clear. I am not saying you should drop your business attire and put on a service uniform. Proper dress is one of the best ways to make a first impression and I think it shows we have respect for ourselves and the company we represent.
In this case, the customer could care less how he was dressed. I think it is important for us to see that this salesperson “got it”. He understood his customer and what they expected from him.
While selling at its basic level may be to persuade and induce someone to buy something, I believe our success will come from how well we listen and solve our customer’s problems.
Have a great week!